Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday 12-23 La Familia de Michoacán

Probe of Mexican drug cartel leads to nearly 1,200 arrests in U.S. The major Mexican drug gangs have 250,000 employees inside the US. If you add in the other foreign born gangs, the total number of foreign gang members is greater than the number of cops we have on the street.

La Familia Michoacana (drug cartel)La Familia Michoacana From Wikipedia: The Michoacán Family is a Mexican drug trafficking cartel based in Michoacán, Mexico —President Felipe Calderón's home state. Formerly answering to the Gulf Cartel —as part of Los Zetas[1][2] — it has split off as its own organization since 2006

La Familia emerged to the foreground in the 1990s as the Gulf Cartel's paramilitary group designed to seize control of the illegal drug trade in Michoacán state ... the La Familia members use murder and torture to quash rivals, while building a social base in the Mexican state of Michoacán. It is the fastest-growing cartel in the country’s drug war

In one incident in Uruapan in 2006, the cartel members tossed five decapitated heads onto the dance floor of the Sol y Sombra night club

Los Zetas Los Zetas is a Mexican drug gang. From Wikipedia: It is believed that they were originally trained at the military School of the Americas in the United States (Your tax dollars at work) ... by other foreign specialists of the United States, France and Israel ... the rival Sinaloa Cartel established its own heavily-armed enforcer gang, Los Negros ... Upon the arrest of Gulf Cartel boss, Osiel Cardenas Guillen in 2003, it is believed Los Zetas began transporting their own drug shipments through former Gulf Cartel routes[4] and made a collaboration pact with the Beltrán-Leyva Cartel.[12][13] ... Los Zetas are primarily based in the border region of Nuevo Laredo, with hundreds more throughout the country. In Nuevo Laredo it is believed they have carved the city into territories, placing lookouts at arrival destinations such as airports, bus stations and main roads.[3] In addition to conducting activities along the border, they are visible throughout the Gulf Coast region, in the Southern states of Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, and Chiapas, and in the Pacific Coast states of Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Michoacán ... they may be active in Texas, other U.S. states[16] and in Italy ... While in prison, the head of the Tijuana Cartel, Arellano Felix and Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Cardenas, forged an alliance against the Sinaloa Cartel and its ally the Juarez Cartel ... The Sinaloa Cartel began to contest the Gulf Cartel’s domination of the coveted southwest Texas corridor following the arrest of Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Cardenas in March 2003 ...

US Filling up With Dumb People: Immigration's Ultimate Dilemma 42 million American adults can't read at all; 50 million are unable to read at a higher level that is expected of a fourth grader. • The number of adults that are classified as functionally illiterate increases by about 2.25 million each year. • 20 percent of high school seniors can be classified as being functionally illiterate at the time they graduate. Source: National Right to Read Foundation

Where Illiteracy Leads

• 70 percent of prisoners in state and federal systems can be classified as illiterate. • 85 percent of all juvenile offenders rate as functionally or marginally illiterate. • 43 percent of those whose literacy skills are lowest live in poverty. Source: National Institute for Literacy

Yet, with those disturbing figures, our U.S. Congress imports an added 2.5 million legal and illegal immigrants into this country every year

A Border Fence Would Stop The Drug Gangs Cold. The Colombians would have to find a route other than our southern border. Without money the Mexican government would soon win their battle against the drug gangs. And we would protect American workers who are suffering from a 17% unemployment rate. Any politician who opposes building a fence is either brain dead or a traitor.

Address On Iceland &The IMF, Debt Delivered by Birgitta Jonsdottir of The Movement in the Icelandic Parliament, October 5, 2009 Jonsdottir is a member of Iceland's parliament and is part of a three party working group including the far left and the far right exploring a debt moratorium. The debts in question were created by the failure of a private bank with branches in England and Holland. The government of Iceland was unlawfully assigned the losses of one private bank by Gordon Brown. The debts are equal to the total Icelandic GDP.

$787 Billion In Federal Stimulus Creates/Saves 5.93 Jobs In Rhode Island
In all seriousness, is this chart from, proudly pasted on the front page, supposed to make Americans happy about the amazing misuse of taxpayer funds to only "create" 30,000 jobs in America (never mind that actual unemployment by state continues to skyrocket, putting all claims about saved jobs very much in the highlight reel on the Comedy Channel)?

Brit UN nuclear expert may have been murdered, police say British nuclear energy expert ... plunged 40 metres to his death at the United Nations’ (UN) building in Vienna may have been murdered, police said ... was involved in disarmament negotiations with Iran as a member of the UN’s Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) ... no suicide note has been found ... there had been a similar case just recently in which an employee died when he fell from a similar height Comment> The UN nuclear inspectors had been siding with Iran against Israel so the Iranians had no motive to push him off the 17th floor.

New Spy Case: Is Justice Department Targeting Israel? First they came, for Bernie Madoff. Then they came for Rabbi Rosenbaum for stealing a few human organs at gunpoint. It wasn't as if those people needed two kidneys. And now the FBI arrests a Jewish spy for Israel. These are obvious cases of anti-Semitism in American law enforcement.

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.”

Morgan Stanley fears global central banks will 'monetise' public debts

Pensions: the Next Casualty of Wall Street

Bill giving FDA new powers to oversee food supply has wide support

Congressman John Lewis: 4-year-olds are getting federal tax credits for buying homes He is black which I suppose is why he has not been accused of being an angry white male.

Record Treasury Supply On Deck: $116 Billion In Bond Issues, $182 Billion Total; Will Debt Ceiling Be Breached Next Week?

Average Unemployment Period Hits All Time Record High Of 6 Months

3 signs of the next real estate collapse The latest bubble is about to burst, but this time it's in the commercial market. Here's how to

Video: White House E-Mails Mika Brezinksy Mid-Segment to "Correct" Her; Good Liberal Mika Immediately Makes the Correction and Begins Pushing the White House Line

LOTT'S NUMBERS: Why Is Unemployment Rising Faster In the U.S. Than Other Countries?

Two Democrats Join GOP Call for Countrywide Probe to launch an investigation of the Countrywide VIP loan scandal The American people deserve to the know the truth about these lending practices, and if they had undue influence on federal housing or financial policy based on awarding ‘VIP’ loans to federal officials ...

Video Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers On MSNBC - Hardball with Chris Matthews

Video: David Tice on King World News : Government spending 40% of GDP!

Refugees flee heavy fighting in South Waziristan

New York suspends mandatory flu shots for health workers

New Jersey Pays Goldman Sachs for Swaps on Nonexistent Bonds -- New Jersey taxpayers are sending almost $1 million a month to a partnership run by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for protection against rising interest costs on bonds that the state redeemed more than a year ago.

Gold at $3,000 an ounce is going to look dirt cheap…before 2010 is done. Here’s why: China is starting to realize they will be left “holding the bag” for the entire world as all the countries openly continue the race to debase their currencies.

Stanley and Gabriel (awwww for the day)

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